Wednesday, December 3, 2014

An Empty Bottle of Glass transformed into a beautiful show piece!!!

A empty alcohol bottle made of glass 
that looks narrow by its throat but beautifully curves down towards its wide base 
is very fascinatingly turned out into an exclusive show piece. 

This is a transparent bottle which is plain and shiny by its texture. 
By the use of various attention-grabbing raw materials like attractive laces, glittering stones, shining

flowers and leaves, twinkling lights and colourful paints this plain bottle is transformed into a sole, hand-made valuable craft piece. 

The bottle is initially coated with white paint as the base coat. With the theme of Christmas in mind, patterns of various props and a Christmas tree is drawn on the bottle. Glittering green and silver leaves with a combination of bright red stockings and santa’s hat are glued to the bottled defining the decorated Christmas tree. 

White tiny thermocol balls are stuck on it as well, as a symbol of snowfall and of course a 3D cut out of Santa and his reindeer. The narrow throat of the bottle is decorated with shining stones in a random design. A tiny bow made of a red satin lace is tied up, at the bottle neck. 

To give it a final touch and make it more attractive at night, the colourful twinkling lights are stuffed into the bottle and plugged to the electric board. Turn on the lights now and you will see how stunningly a bare glass bottle has converted to a twinkling vase of lights.